Here are my 5 reason why lawn bowls is great for kids.

With so many youth sports for your kids to try, why should you consider lawn bowls? Surely it’s for people at the other end of the age spectrum? Well not quite…
Lawn bowls is great for kids, here we outline the top 5 reasons why your son’s and daughters need to try lawn bowls this summer
Getting outside
Lawn bowls is a summer sport, so you should get plenty of time to enjoy some fresh air and some sunshine.
This is particularly important for children as the exposure to vitamin D from the sun is essential to healthy growth.
This is also a great way to cultivate an “outdoor lifestyle”, setting you and your family up for lots more outside activity. Lawn bowls is central to this idea in many countries around the world where this is the norm.
Suitable to all shapes and sizes
Unlike other kids sports, lawn bowls is open to children of all shapes and sizes.
It can be disheartening for children playing football or rugby, only to have their enjoyment ruined by larger stronger children who dominant youth leagues.
Lawn bowls rewards those who are dedicated and skillful, and anyone can do that!
Great community
How many times have you watched your child play football only to be appalled by the behaviour of the coach, or other parents?
These toxic environments aren’t great for kids, however bowls clubs are full of welcoming and helpful people. Each one encourage a sense of community, where everyone helps out for the betterment of all members.
Head on down and I can guarantee you will receive a warm welcome.
Improves teamwork, concentration and focus
Even though bowls can be played individually, games are more commonly played in teams. To win a game each member must play a particular way for the good of the team.
This is great for kids and will undoubtedly help them through their school years and beyond.
Lawn bowls nurtures many other soft skills. Concentration and focus are required as well as how to win and lose with respect.
We have a whole article on the rules and etiqutte of lawn bowls, which is great for anyone (young or old!) who wants to take part.
It’s fun!
What better reason is there to play bowls other than “it’s great fun”! It’s such a compelling and addictive game to play, and when you throw in a large slice of luck, it can make for some fascinating and tense gameplay.
So there you have it, 5 reasons for your kids to take up lawn bowls today.
Once you have found your local club on google, try dropping them a call or an email and see if they are offering any taster sessions.
Get The Complete Lawn Bowls Drill Pack
The Jack High Bowls Drill Pack is available now for instant download.
Perfect for beginners and improving players looking to be more consistent and win more games!

Get The Complete Lawn Bowls Drill Pack
The Jack High Bowls Drill Pack is available now for instant download.
Perfect for beginners and improving players looking to be more consistent and win more games!