Henselite Tiger EVO vs Drakes Pride Professional | Which is Best?

  • By: Reece Williams
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of choosing the perfect lawn bowl? As a beginner, it can be difficult to navigate the various options out there.

But fear not! In this blog post, I am here to compare and contrast two popular models of lawn bowls – the Henselite Tiger EVO and the Drakes Pride Professional. Together, we will delve into their specs, bias, grip options, price, and which bowl is suited for which type of player. By the end of this guide, you’ll feel well-equipped to choose the ideal lawn bowl for your needs. Let’s get started!


Playing surface


Line guide


Sizes available




Henselite Tiger EVO

The Henselite Tiger EVO is a mid-to-wide biased lawn bowl suited for outdoor play. It is highly versatile and can be used on a variety of surfaces and conditions. Available in sizes 00 to 5 for the UK market only, the Henselite Tiger EVO is not commonly found on online second-hand marketplaces like eBay, and is typically purchased new. Overall, this bowl is an excellent choice for those seeking versatility and consistent performance on the green.

Playing surface

Dual purpose bowl


Line guide


Sizes available




Drakes Pride Professional

The Drakes Pride Professional lawn bowl is a mid-biased option suitable for indoor and outdoor play on various surfaces and conditions. It is available in sizes 00 to 5 for the UK market, and can also be found on online second-hand marketplaces. Overall, it is a versatile choice for bowlers looking for consistent performance.


Both the Henselite Tiger EVO and the Drakes Pride Professional lawn bowls are mid-biased, but the Henselite bowl has a wider bias than the Drakes Pride bowl.

Henselite Tiger EVO Trajectory Guide

The Tiger EVO is designed for outdoor greens and is suitable for all outdoor surfaces, while the Drakes Pride Professional can be used for both indoor and outdoor play.

Overall, the choice between these two bowls may depend on personal preference and the specific environment in which they will be used.

Drakes Pride Professional Trajectory Guide

Bowlers who prefer a wider bias may prefer the Henselite Tiger EVO for outdoor play, while those who play on a variety of surfaces may prefer the versatility of the Drakes Pride Professional.


The Henselite Tiger EVO and the Drakes Pride Professional have different grip styles. The Henselite Tiger EVO comes with an embedded grip called the Henselite Mega grip while the Drakes Pride Professional only offers a standard dimple grip. The embedded grip of the Henselite Tiger EVO helps with better grip making it suitable for bowlers who have problems gripping the bowl properly. On the other hand, the Drakes Pride Professional’s classic style dimple grip has small divots or dimples that aid finger placement for better grip. Ultimately, choosing between the two grip styles is a matter of personal preference and comfort.


When it comes to price, the Henselite Tiger EVO is significantly more expensive than the Drakes Pride Professional. A brand new set of Henselite Tiger EVO bowls can cost around £400, while a new set of Drakes Pride Professional bowls will cost around £290. Second-hand Henselite Tiger EVO bowls can also be quite expensive, with prices ranging from £250-£300. On the other hand, second-hand Drakes Pride Professional bowls can be purchased for as little as £60, with prices ranging up to £210. Overall, the Drakes Pride Professional is a more affordable option for those looking to purchase high-quality lawn bowls.


Overall, the Henselite Tiger EVO would best suit bowlers who primarily play outdoors, as it is designed specifically for that surface. However, it can also be used on other surfaces. On the other hand, the Drakes Pride Professional is versatile enough to be used on both indoor and outdoor surfaces, making it a good option for those who play on a variety of different surfaces.

In terms of skill level, both the Henselite Tiger EVO and the Drakes Pride Professional are mid-biased, meaning they are suitable for both beginners and experienced bowlers. Therefore, the decision of which model to choose ultimately depends on the surface the bowler will be playing on, as well as personal preference in terms of weight and size.

Overall, whether you choose the Henselite Tiger EVO or the Drakes Pride Professional, you can be assured of high quality and excellent performance on the green.


In conclusion, both the Henselite Tiger EVO and the Drakes Pride Professional are highly versatile bowls that can be used on a variety of surfaces and conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor play. However, if you are looking for a mid-biased bowl that can be easily found on online marketplaces such as eBay, then the Drakes Pride Professional may be the better option. On the other hand, if you prefer a mid-to-wide biased bowl that is only available new from official retailers, then the Henselite Tiger EVO is definitely worth considering. Ultimately, the choice between these two popular models of lawn bowls comes down to your personal preferences and playing style.

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