Taylor Ace vs Henselite Tiger Pro | Which is Best?

  • By: Reece Williams
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Are you a beginner lawn bowler struggling to choose the perfect set of bowls? It can definitely be overwhelming with all the different options out there. That’s why I’m here to help!

In this post, I’ll be comparing two of the most popular lawn bowl models – the Taylor Ace and the Henselite Tiger Pro. We’ll take a look at factors like spec, bias, grip options, price, and who each bowl is best suited for. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clearer idea of which bowls are the right fit for you.


Playing surface

Dual purpose bowl


Line guide


Sizes available




Taylor Ace

The Taylor Ace is a mid-biased lawn bowl suitable for both indoor and outdoor play. It offers versatility and can be used on various surfaces and in different conditions. Available in sizes 00 to 5 for the UK market, the Taylor Ace can be found on online second hand marketplaces such as eBay.

Playing surface


Line guide


Sizes available




Henselite Tiger Pro

The Henselite Tiger Pro is a versatile mid-biased bowl for indoor and outdoor players, with sizes ranging from 00 to 5 in the UK market. It is highly sought after and challenging to find second hand, which makes buying new the only realistic option. Despite being one of the priciest lawn bowls on the market, its quality and adaptability make it a popular choice for bowlers who play on various surfaces.


Both the Taylor Ace and Henselite Tiger Pro lawn bowls are mid-biased and are suitable for indoor and outdoor play.

Taylor Ace Trajectory Guide

The main difference between the two is that the Tiger Pro is more versatile, being suitable for all types of outdoor greens, while the Ace is better suited for indoor rinks and some outdoor greens. Additionally, the Henselite Tiger Pro is recommended for all bowlers, whereas the Ace is slightly more suited for intermediate level bowlers.

Henselite Tiger Pro Trajectory Guide

Overall, both brands offer mid-biased lawn bowls that are suitable for indoor rinks and outdoor greens, but the Henselite Tiger Pro is the more versatile option for all types of outdoor play, while the Taylor Ace is more ideal for indoor rinks and some outdoor greens. Both are good options for mid-level bowlers, but the Henselite Tiger Pro might be a better option for those who want to play year-round and on a variety of greens.


When it comes to comparing the grips of the Taylor Ace and the Henselite Tiger Pro lawn bowls, there are a few key differences to note. The Taylor Ace offers two standard grip options – the Progrip and Xtreme grip – which cater to a variety of preferences. The Progrip is a premium dimple grip, while the Xtreme grip is an embedded grip.

On the other hand, the Henselite Tiger Pro comes with only one option – the Henselite Mega grip – which is an embedded grip. This grip is set deeper into the bowl, which can be beneficial for bowlers who struggle with grip. However, the dimple grip of the Taylor Ace provides a classic and reliable grip with the added benefit of fingertip positioning in its divots.

Ultimately, the choice between the Taylor Ace and the Henselite Tiger Pro will come down to individual bowlers’ preferences for grip and other key features. Both models offer high-quality performance for serious bowlers looking to up their game on the green.


When it comes to comparing the prices of the Taylor Ace and the Henselite Tiger Pro lawn bowls, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, the Taylor Ace is generally less expensive than the Henselite Tiger Pro. You can buy a new set of Taylor Ace bowls for around £360, while the Henselite Tiger Pro will set you back around £400.

However, if you’re on a tight budget or just looking for a bargain, it’s worth noting that you can find both models second hand for significantly less money. Second hand Taylor Ace bowls typically cost between £160 and £230, while second hand Henselite Tiger Pro bowls are likely to be priced between £250 and £300.

Ultimately, the decision of which model to choose will depend on your individual needs and preferences. While the price is certainly a factor to consider, it’s important to also weigh up other aspects such as the weight, size, and grip of the bowls to ensure that you choose a set that will suit your playing style and abilities.


If you’re looking for a bowl that can work well on both indoor and outdoor surfaces, then the Taylor Ace would be a great choice. It has a mid-bias that makes it versatile, which can be especially helpful if you play on different types of greens. Additionally, the Taylor Ace has a wider drawing arc, which can help beginners improve their accuracy and consistency.

On the other hand, the Henselite Tiger Pro is a fantastic option for those who want a dual purpose bowl. It can be easily used for both indoor and outdoor bowling, and it’s designed for flexibility in a team. This means that it’s great for players who need to switch positions frequently or for those who want to be able to play on different types of greens without having to switch bowls.

Overall, both the Taylor Ace and the Henselite Tiger Pro have their unique benefits when it comes to bowls. Ultimately, it depends on what you’re looking for in a bowl and how you plan on using it. If you want a bowl that’s versatile and works well on both indoor and outdoor surfaces, then the Taylor Ace is a great choice. If you need a bowl that can easily switch between positions or play on different types of greens, then the Henselite Tiger Pro would be a better option.


After comparing the features of both the Taylor Ace and the Henselite Tiger Pro, it is evident that they are both mid-biased lawn bowls suitable for indoor and outdoor play. However, the Taylor Ace seems to be more widely available on second-hand marketplaces like eBay, while the Henselite Tiger Pro is harder to find and typically needs to be bought new. The Henselite Tiger Pro is also significantly more expensive than the Taylor Ace. Ultimately, the choice between these two popular models of lawn bowls will depend on personal preferences and factors such as budget and availability.

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